Hitting Its Peak: Drone Delivery Comes to Mount Everest

High-altitude climbers can soon look forward to birthday gifts, a warm pair of socks and even that frozen steak they've been dreaming of on Mount Everest with the successful completion of a drone delivery on the craggy territory.

Chinese drone maker DJI released a video showing one of its flying machines in a first-ever drone drop off of three oxygen bottles, food and other supplies to climbers at Everest base Camp 1, Agence French Presse reported.

DJI Technology said last week that it teamed up with a Nepalese drone service company, a video production company, and certified Nepalese mountain guide Mingma Gyalje Sherpa to do the drop in April.

The DJI FlyCart 30 can deliver 33 pounds of supplies and equipment, and it's capable of withstanding the high altitude and extreme weather of the peaks, according to the company.

Helicopters have been used on Everest, but they're riskier flights, presenting a danger for pilots and passengers, and expensive if the craft is damaged.

The FlyCart also turned out to be a not-too-shabby trash collector.

Its creators actually see one of its key purpose as hauling out garbage. The drone carried down a large backpack packed with trash from the increasing mounds left behind by climbers.

The Nepalese government has already contracted for drone delivery service, according to the company.