Trump's 'ludicrous' attacks on law enforcement laid bare: 'Not only dangerous -- dumb'

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Donald Trump praised the FBI when they were investigating Hillary Clinton's email habits during the 2016 campaign, but MSNBC's Claire McCaskill ridiculed the former president's claims that law enforcement was politically biased against him.

The ex-president has been indicted in four jurisdictions and convicted on 34 felony counts in one of those, and he has been raging against the FBI, intelligence services and the courts as he's held to account for various alleged misdeeds, but McCaskill said the basis of his complaints was asinine.

"For people who have worked closely with either the FBI or the military, the idea that these are some kind of bastion of liberal-leaning people is so ludicrous," McCaskill said. "I mean, the FBI is about as far from liberal woke as you could go in America. The same goes for the military. It is just unbelievable. Do they think that people who are self-selecting to go to the military are people who are crazy liberals that really want to go and learn how to fight a war? I mean, it is just beyond stupidity to accept what comes out of this guy's mouth about these particularly two institutions that are rock-ribbed conservative from top to bottom."

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"I mean, look at the generals who lead the military," she added. "Do you think you got there by being liberal pansies? No, they got there because they were good leaders of military personnel, which, by and large, are people who appreciate discipline. By the way, the FBI is no different. The intelligence agencies are the same way. They are peppered with veterans. The majority of the people who work in the intelligence agencies are, in fact, of a military background. So it is not only dangerous, it's just dumb."

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