'It's not me': Marjorie Taylor Greene says Rachel Maddow 'is the fringe person'

Marjorie Taylor Greene (Real America's Voice/screen grab)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lashed out at Rachel Maddow Tuesday after the MSNBC host called her a "fringe" member of Congress for pushing to defund NATO.

The Georgia lawmaker spoke to podcaster and convicted criminal Steve Bannon after dozens of Republicans voted for her failed legislation to cut NATO's funds.

"Well, of course, she's not happy," Greene said of MSNBC'S Maddow. "Rachel's never accomplished anything real in her entire life. She's only lied on television for a living."

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"And NATO, all these European countries, they don't pay their fair share," she complained. "So why should America continue to pay for the defense of all these other countries when they are unwilling to even pay their fair share?"

"It's the right thing to do. That's not a fringe thing to do. That's a pro-America thing to do."

Bannon asked Greene why Maddow called her a "fringe" member of Congress.

"It's not fringe at all," Greene insisted. "It's also not fringe because most Americans also agree that the United States should not be funding a war in Ukraine."

"So when we're going to talk about the question, we're going to ask the question, who is fringe?" she added. "It's actually Rachel Maddow is the fringe person in this story. It's not me. It's Rachel Maddow."

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