2024 Elections: Did BJP Win 165 Seats With A Margin Of Less Than 2,000 Votes?

By BOOM FACT Check Team

Claim: Social media posts claiming that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), won 165 seats in the recently concluded Lok Sabha election with a victory margin fewer than 2,000 votes, are viral online.

Fact: BOOM found that the claims made in the viral message are false. The same post was viral in 2022 after the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections which BOOM had debunked back then.

Tools used: As per the Election Commission of India's website, the lowest victory margin for the BJP is not below 1,587 votes in the 2024 elections. Even for the 2022 UP elections, BJP won 11 seats with a margin of less than 500 votes but the viral message falsely claims that it won 23 seats in this category.

Read the full fact-check here.

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