NY Times Continues Its Character Assassination of Justice Alito

Susan Walsh - File / AP

Why is The New York Times so fixated on forcing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from the upcoming Jan. 6 cases?

The whole debacle over the upside down American flag and "Appeal to Heaven" flag at his residence came to nothing, but the Times has found it impossible to let go of their petty vendetta against Alito.

According to a recent Times report, Alito was the victim of illegal, surreptitious recording at a recent gala for the Supreme Court Historical Society.

In those recordings, Alito made the allegedly heinous statement that the American people needed to "return our country to a place of godliness."

Activist Lauren Windsor, who posed as a Catholic conservative to obtain these recordings, claimed she was constrained to resort to such underhanded means because, "We have a court that has refused to submit to any accountability whatsoever. They are shrouded in secrecy. I don’t know how, other than going undercover, I would have been able to get answers to these questions."

Of course, for leftists, "accountability" has mostly meant "making decisions I like."

Therefore, Alito and his fellow conservative justices refusal to bend to the will of the leftists obviously necessitated this coordinated campaign against them.

The thing was, though, in trying to pressure Alito to recuse himself from the Jan. 6 cases, including Donald Trump's presidential immunity case, the leftists have actually been the ones violating judicial principles.

Specifically, leftists' pressure on Alito violates the principle of judicial independence.

According to the American Bar Association, judicial independence ensures that "judges are not subject to pressure and influence and are free to make impartial decisions based solely on fact and law."

If judges are unable to be impartial on a case and then rule on that case anyway, you get results like Trump's guilty verdict in his prejudiced New York criminal case.

Alito himself released a statement, also dutifully chronicled in the Times, wherein he explained this principle and how his wife hanging an upside-down flag or historical flag -- like the "Appeal to Heaven" one -- did not disqualify him from sitting on these cases.

In his own words, seeing as neither flag is inextricably linked to "insurrectionists" and his wife is a private citizen who can make her own decisions, "A reasonable person who is not motivated by political or ideological considerations or a desire to affect the outcome of Supreme Court cases would conclude this event does not meet the applicable standard for recusal."

Clearly, then, an observer not blinded by left-wing prejudice would know instantly that Alito and his wife have done nothing meriting this smear campaign.

Why, then, has the left, especially The New York Times, doubled down on this story despite its overall flimsiness?

Well, as The Federalist noted, the reporter who originally broke the story, Jodi Kantor, has a history of spreading bogus and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories against Alito, going back to 2022.

The Federalist pointed out that the main reason for leftists ire against the court, especially filled as it is with justices like Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Amy Coney Barrett, is that it has been the one remaining institution they cannot control.

Likewise, the writers in the newsroom of The New York Times have no real, damning accusations they can lob against the conservative justices.

Thoughts and prayers for The Left as they just discovered conservative jurist Justice Samuel Alito and his wife are conservatives.

Give them a moment.

— Kimberly Ross 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱🇹🇼 (@SouthernKeeks) June 11, 2024

Therefore, they have fixated on particular justices, historically Thomas, now Alito, peddling conspiracy theories and making crumbs into cupcakes in a desperate attempt to finally get the rulings they want.

Hence, the eight articles Kantor and the Times have lent their names to over the past month devoted to this nothing-burger of a controversy.

The left always seeks to destroy what they cannot control.

Unfortunately for them, Alito has not backed down and will not be intimidated by baseless controversies or illegal recordings.

If the left truly wanted impartiality, they would cease these transparent attacks and finally leave Alito and his wife alone.

As this X user noted, the left hates Alito and Clarence because they refuse to get "brainwashed" into the "cult."

The left is collectively losing their s**t over Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito because they’re at the brainwashed point that everyone who thinks outside of the cult is a “grave threat to our dEMocRaCy”.

— Nikki Moonitz (@NMoonitz) June 11, 2024

But, of course, the left have never been interested in impartiality.

They just want partiality in their favor.