Survey finds Germans trust Biden more than Trump

US President Joe Biden walks back after a break from the meeting with outreach states on the sidelines of the 48th G7 Summit. Peter Kneffel/dpa

US President Joe Biden enjoys significantly more trust in Germany than former President Donald Trump, according to the findings of an international opinion survey.

The survey, published on Tuesday by the Pew Research Institute, found 63% of Germans surveyed trust the Democratic incumbent to do the right thing when it comes to US foreign policy. Only 15% have confidence in his Republican challenger Trump on this issue.

The institute questioned 40,566 adults by telephone, online and in person between January 5 and May 21 for the representative survey covering a total of 34 countries, 1,008 of them by telephone in Germany.

Although respondents in most countries tend to trust Biden (43%) more than Trump (31%), Biden performs much better in Germany than elsewhere. There is hardly any difference between the two among respondents in Israel, for example.

Only in Turkey, Hungary and Tunisia does Trump fare better - with generally poor ratings for both politicians. In many countries, more men than women trust Trump.

Despite generally better ratings for Biden, his ratings fell in a number of countries compared to the previous year. Many respondents were particularly critical of the President-in-Office's handling of the Gaza war, with a total of 57% disagreeing with him on the issue. This figure is slightly lower in Germany at 54% and slightly higher in Israel at 60%.

In general, 54% of respondents have a positive attitude towards the United States, while 31% have a negative one. However, some also have doubts about US democracy as an example for other countries to follow. Four out of 10 respondents believe that the world power was once a role model in this respect, but no longer is.

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