Ex-McCarthy aide trolls Matt Gaetz's 'dumb' reaction to Hunter Biden verdict

Photo: Matt Laslo/Raw Story

A loyal ex-staffer to ousted House Speaker Keven McCarthy (R-CA) ripped the pol's nemesis Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) when he weighed in on Hunter Biden's guilty verdict.

Soon after jurors found Hunter Biden culpable of illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while hooked on crack cocaine, Gaetz appeared unmoved based on his X post.

It read: "The Hunter Biden gun conviction is kinda dumb tbh."

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"That’s because you also love to do cocaine, sleep with prostitutes, and own guns," read a scathing comeback by Maggie Howell, whose online bio described herself as "Always @SpeakerMcCarthy #55."

The "55" likely refers to McCarthy serving as the country's 55th Speaker of the House for a nine-month tenure.

When Politico reached out to Gaetz for comment, he posted a screenshot of POLITICO’s request on X and wrote, “My pronouns are ‘Removed McCarthy.’”

“Everyone deals with trauma differently. Maggie’s response to being fired after her boss’s removal from the Speakership is coping and seething hysterically on X all day. Quite sad!” Joel Valdez, Gaetz’s campaign manager, told POLITICO in a statement.

Gaetz is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, which secured testimony from a witness who said she saw him at a cocaine-fueled party that was also attended by a then-17-year-old girl rumored to have had a sexual relationship with the Florida congressman.

The witness in question informed investigators about a cocaine and MDMA-fueled party attended by both Gaetz and the undressed teen in 2017.

"According to the statement provided to the committee, sources said the woman who made the statement... said she saw the then-minor naked at the party, which was also attended by adult men other than Gaetz, and that at the party there allegedly were bedrooms that were made available for sexual activities," ABC News reported.

Gaetz was instrumental in seeking McCarthy's unceremonious ouster from the speakership.

Eight Republicans including Gaetz joined all the Democrats to eject McCarthy from the speakership by a motion to vacate the chair resulting in weeks of chaos that finally culminated with the selection of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) to replace him.

Gaetz has said it was because McCarthy broke deals he made with the far-right House Freedom Caucus. McCarthy was likely referring to an ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation into Gaetz.

Meantime, McCarthy and his allies have repeatedly touted the sex-trafficking probe federal prosecutors launched into Gaetz in late 2020 as a way to undermine Gaetz.

Federal authorities probed Gaetz over alleged sex crimes related paying women for sex and making trips overseas to party with underage girls.

The DOJ later closed the probe without bring charges against him.

Gaetz has denounced the committee’s investigation as retaliation for overthrowing McCarthy.