Shirogane Blue Pond

A visit to Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei is a must, especially during the summer. Unveiling a surreal display of vibrant blue hues, this picturesque pond has become an increasingly popular destination.

In 1988, the pond was artificially created during the construction of a dam to protect Biei from volcanic mud. The water’s stunning blue color comes from its unique mix of sulfur and aluminum from nearby tributaries, local onsen, and Shirahige Falls. These elements create colloids in the water, which reflect sunlight, basically creating the blue color of the water. Additionally, the white surface at the bottom of the pond also intensifies the color, creating a truly magical sight.

Visiting Shirogane Blue Pond

Photo by: PIXTA/ はっさくA summer haven.

As you approach the pond the vibrant blue waters come into view, surrounded by the striking contrast of the withered trees. The pond’s color, influenced by the amount of aluminum in the water and the weather, can range from a milky light blue to a deep green turquoise, offering a different experience with each visit.

Beyond the pond’s surreal beauty, the surrounding natural landscape adds to the area’s allure. Nature enthusiasts and hikers will delight in the lush greenery and the striking presence of the surrounding mountains. The water is at its clearest between May and June, making it an ideal time to witness the pond’s enchanting display. From its artificial creation to its otherworldly beauty, Shirogane Blue Pond stands as a testament to the magic of nature.

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