コスプレサミットが子どもの命を救う!Cosplay Summit Saves Children's Lives! マルタ共和国で世界初の子ども支援イベント開催 World's First Child Support Event to be Held in the Republic of Malta. 世界で一番子どもの命を救うコスプレサミット!マルタ共和国で初開催!(The Cosplay Summit that saves children's lives most in the world! First held in the Republic of Malta!)


(Set in the Republic of Malta, the world's first child support event, the "Malta Cosplay Summit," will be held. This event is organized by the "World HIKARI Project O,C." a global child support organization featured in the G7 official magazine, and The Santa Gift Malta International Charity Foundation, established in collaboration with governments around the world. Key figures, including members of the Japanese imperial family, royal families from around the world, and officials from Malta's government, will gather to engage in innovative initiatives for children's medical support.)

Santa Gift Malta International Charity Foundation

Vma plus株式会社







(The Malta Cosplay Summit integrates both the Metaverse and reality, allowing participants to contribute to children's medical support while enjoying themselves. The event, held in Malta physically and in the Metaverse simultaneously, facilitates global participation, with ticket fees aiding children's medical needs. Supporters can engage in real-time, enabling disabled children and those in hospitals to participate, fostering a sense of global unity.

A continuous support system, including a "foster parent system" with popular cosplayers, is established, offering ongoing medical aid. The Metaverse allows friendship-building and transcends language barriers through real-time translation.)







(Dedicated Collaborators. Expanding the Circle of Support.

The Santa Gift Malta International Charity Foundation, established with the cooperation of the World HIKARI Project O,C. for children, will create opportunities for children to pursue their dreams without giving up due to economic issues.)

わずか12歳でカンヌ国際映画祭のレッドカーペットを歩いた少年、日本のギフテッドが集まるグループAST KIDs(アストキッズ)の創始者であるレア君が本財団のアンバサダーに就任しました。それにより、世界各国の王族関係者が続々と支援を表明しています。


コスプレ業界からは、「コスプレ文化を世界へ」を合言葉に、1,500名以上のコスプレイヤーが登録するコスプレ専門会社を業界初として立ち上げた株式会社ONIGIRI Plusの雅南ユイ社長も精力的に協力を行ってくれています。



また、数十年にわたり子ども支援を続けるプリンセス天功さんが子どもの人権大使に就任。あの人気アニメ・ガンダムや進撃の巨人の挿入歌を歌っているcyuaさんや、ソプラノ歌手として活躍する永井寿枝さん、QUEEN OF JAPANに選ばれた関口理沙さん、NHK BSプレミアム「家族だから愛したんじゃなくて、愛したのが家族だった」にメインキャストとして出演し今後の活躍が期待されているタレントである吉田葵君、「創聖のアクエリオン」などの代表曲で国内外から知られる「bless4」によるアニソンライブ、福島県白河市のご当地ヒーロー ダルライザーも協力してステージパフォーマンスを披露してくれます。

(Rea, the founder of AST KIDs, a group of gifted children from Japan, who walked the red carpet at the Cannes International Film Festival at just 12 years old, has been appointed as an ambassador for this foundation.

His appointment as an ambassador has led to royal families from various countries expressing their support for this foundation.

President Yui of ONIGIRI Plus Co., Ltd., who launched the first cosplay-specialized company with over 1,500 registered cosplayers, actively supports this initiative.)

■イベント概要 開催日程



会場 :マルタ共和国 屋内会場 グランド ホテル エクセシオール(バレッタ)

Event Overview

Date: June 28, 2024 (Friday) 9:30 AM to 10:00 PM (Local Time in Malta)

June 29, 2024 (Saturday) 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM (Local Time in Malta)


Grand Hotel Excelsior (Valletta)Malta Republic, Indoor Venue

© ソーシャルワイヤー株式会社