Ashford driver faces jail after police officer carrying out speed checks in Coulter Road left seriously injured

A man has admitted inflicting serious injuries to a police officer during a suspected hit-and-run.

Barry Rossiter appeared at Canterbury Crown Court yesterday where he pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent to PC Adam Staughton on January 26.

Officers were speaking to residents and drivers after the incident in Coulter Road, Ashford. Picture: Kent Police

The incident took place in Coulter Road, Ashford, near the junction with Hedgers Way, at around 3.15pm and left the officer needing hospital treatment.

Rossiter, of Nickley Wood, Ashford, was driving a Vauxhall Vectra at the time of the collision with the police constable, who was on foot carrying out speed checks.

He was later arrested and charged with attempted murder and causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

However, prosecutor Martin Yale informed the court that the 24-year-old no longer faces a trial on those offences as his plea of guilty was accepted.

In the same hearing, Rossiter also admitted to assaulting an emergency worker in relation to an incident which occurred seven days later on February 2.

John FitzGerald, defending, told the court that his client has a previous conviction for violence, "albeit when he was much, much younger and in completely different circumstances".

Judge Simon James therefore adjourned sentencing for a report to consider dangerousness, telling Rossiter he faced "a very serious matter" for which a jail term was "a certainty".

Rossiter, who appeared in court via prison video link, was remanded in custody.

The court heard that a second man, Benjamin Wilson, of Plurenden Road, High Halden, faces a trial accused of assisting an offender and perverting the course of justice.

The 19-year-old is due to appear at the same court on July 19.