Macron calls for cooperation from all non-extremist forces in France

French President Emmanuel Macron speaks after visiting the martyred village of Oradour-sur-Glane. French President Emmanuel Macron and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier commemorate the victims of the SS massacre of 1944. On June 10, 1944, members of the SS division "Das Reich" murdered 643 civilians in Oradour-sur-Glane and completely destroyed the village. Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

French President Emmanuel Macron called on Wednesday for mainstream conservatives, social democrats and greens to cooperate with his centrists in forming a future government weeks before snap parliamentary elections.

Macron said he was prepared to cooperate with all those not in extreme alliances on the left or the right. "This is a re-founding of political life, for which I call with great humility and determination," he said.

Macron said he was convinced that social democrats, radicals, environmentalists, Christian democrats, Gaullists and many French compatriots and politicians in the wider sense, who were not stuck in extremism and who backed certain clear approaches, could work together to create a new governing project.

He issued a warning against the dangers from the extreme left and the extreme right. These blocks were not united on any of the questions of the future and would be unable to form a governing majority, he predicted.

"I firmly believe that only the political forces that form the presidential majority today have the ability to put forward a coherent, realistic and future-oriented government project," Macron said.

Reacting to the defeat of liberal groups and the strong showing of right-wing nationalists in the European elections on Sunday, Macron called a snap National Assembly election to be held in two stages on June 30 and July 7.

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