New book by Trump’s nephew adds 'another layer' to 'complex and combative family saga'

Donald Trump with Fred Trump Sr. in New York City's Central Park in 1986 (Creative Commons)

Psychologist/author Mary L. Trump has offered a scathing analysis of her uncle, former President Donald Trump, in two books. Now, her older brother, Fred C. Trump III, is coming out with a memoir of his own, according to New York Times reporters Elizabeth A. Harris and Alexandra Alter, it will "add another layer to the complex and often combative Trump family saga."

Mary L. Trump and Fred C. Trump III are children of the late Fred Trump Jr., a brother of former President Trump — and their grandfather was family patriarch Fred Trump Sr. They are first cousins of Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany Trump and GOP activist Donald Trump Jr.

The book, titled "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way," is due out in late July and is being published by Simon & Schuster.

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Harris and Alter note that Fred C. Trump III "has largely remained out of the public eye" and "has not been a vocal critic of the former president." Moreover, he has "distanced himself" from his sister's vehement criticism of their uncle, according to the Times reporters.

"Until now, Fred Trump III has largely stayed out of the fray, which makes the arrival of his memoir, just months before the November election, something of a surprise," Harris and Alter explain. "With this publication, Simon & Schuster aims to continue an often-profitable streak of Trump memoirs, including books from the president's supporters."

Nonetheless, the book will address tensions within the Trump family, according to the Times reporters.

"After their grandfather Fred Trump Sr.'s death in 1999," Harris and Alter note, "Mary and Fred Trump filed a lawsuit contesting his will, arguing that they had been cheated out of their inheritance by their father's siblings. As the legal fight heated up, Donald Trump and his siblings cut off financial help that was going toward medical bills for Fred Trump III's son William, who was born with an acute medical condition and diagnosed with developmental and intellectual disabilities."

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The reporters add, "The dispute was settled in 2001. In 'All in the Family,' Fred Trump III will write about how that rivalry threatened the health and safety of his disabled son, according to Gallery."

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Read The New York Times' full article at this link (subscription required).

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