GOP rep rages against 'piece of garbage' Paul Ryan: 'Spitting in the face of the leader of our party'

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Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) on Wednesday unloaded on Paul Ryan after the former House speaker called Donald Trump “unfit for office.”

Ryan on Tuesday told Fox News host Neil Cavuto Trump “put [himself] above the Constitution" and insisted he won't be voting for the former president in November.

“I think it really is just character at the end of the day, and the fact that if you’re willing to put yourself above the Constitution ― an oath you swear when you take federal office, whether as president or a member of Congress, you swear an oath to the Constitution ― and you’re willing to suborn it to yourself, I think that makes you unfit for office,” Ryan said.

Asked about Ryan’s comments on Wednesday, Nehls raged against the former House speaker.

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"Paul Ryan, you're a piece of garbage,” Nehls said. "And we should kick you out the party."

“Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you're a conservative,” he added. “You're spitting in the face of the leader of our party.”

As Ryan noted in his interview with Cavuto, Trump’s had an enduring impact on the Republican Party — but perhaps not a positive one.

“[Trump’s] cost us a lot of seats,” Ryan said. “He cost us the Senate twice. He cost us the House because he is nominating, he is pushing through the primaries people who cannot win general elections but who pledge fealty to him.”

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