Lauren Boebert complains media attention is turning public against her

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert speaking with attendees at the 2021 Young Women's Leadership Summit. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) blamed media attention for making her unpopular — while conceding that's also what helped her rise to prominence.

The Colorado Republican changed districts earlier this year after facing a stiff challenge, and she told KHOW-AM radio host Ross Kaminsky last week that the media had turned the public against her, reported the Colorado Times Reporter.

“Part of it is, I mean the media, they do a great job of dehumanizing me, right?” Boebert said. “I mean, you just said you like me as a person. I’m funny. Okay. Well, nobody sees that. That’s not not front page headline on The Denver Post.”

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Kaminsky agreed, but he also said the congresswoman shared some responsibility for her public perception.

"I’d also say you probably don’t always help yourself in that way either," Kaminsky said. "Just being how you are, and I think you kind of don’t give a you-know-what about what other people think of you. I mean, you want to win votes. That’s what you’re doing here, but I don’t think you’re out there as a people pleaser generally.”

Boebert admitted to having mixed feelings about being in the spotlight, and made a reference to the surveillance video that disproved her claims about getting kicked out of a performance of the "Beetlejuice" musical for vaping and lewd behavior.

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“I wish I was less on infrared camera, that would be great," Bobert said. "But, I mean, there are those aspects. I would like to go to dinner in Fort Collins with my boys and not have random people come up and video us, you know?

"So, I mean, that kind of stuff bothers me but, also, if I wasn’t who I am and as loud as I am and in the spotlight, then I don’t believe that I would be as effective because in Congress, when I speak, I mean, people listen, and I’m not saying this in, like, a self-aggrandizing way, you know?

"But I’m one of the few that are invited to those closed-door meetings with leadership, with the speaker of the House, whoever the speaker is.”

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