'Like a pair of glasses': Trump spokeswoman uses bizarre analogy to describe boss

Caroline Sunshine (Real America's Voice/screen grab)

A spokesperson for Donald Trump compared the former president to "a pair of glasses for the American people."

During a Wednesday appearance on Real America's Voice, Trump Deputy Communications Director Caroline Sunshine was asked about the House holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.

"Well, let's go one step further, right?" Sunshine said. "Let's not just hold Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. Let's get him out of office."

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Sunshine went on to describe Trump as a pair of glasses.

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant," she insisted. "I think that's something unique about President Trump."

"I say this often, but President Trump is like a pair of glasses for the American people," she added. "It's always through him that they can see the truth."

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