'Irony': MAGA senator roasted for saying Garland should face consequences for law-breaking

Gage Skidmore.

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) leapt onto Fox News Wednesday to defend the House GOP's vote to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress, which is expected to go nowhere because the Justice Department will have the final say in whether to bring any charges.

"Why was it important that Garland be held in contempt?" asked Fox anchor Laura Ingraham, to which Vance replied, "If you break the law, you actually have to suffer some consequences for it."

Vance, a close ally of former President Donald Trump and a short-lister to be nominated as his vice presidential candidate, did not elaborate on what law he believes Garland broke.

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The contempt vote was over Garland's refusal to turn over executive privileged raw voice recordings of special counsel Robert Hur's interview with President Joe Biden, which is already available to House committees as a transcript.

Vance's remarks earned a deluge of criticism from commenters on social media.

"Vance needs to look in the mirror. He is just a talking puppet," wrote the account @jemzkov2002.

"Unless you break it 34 times, then those cancel each other out," wrote Houston-based attorney Chris Jackson — a reference to Trump's felony conviction in New York for falsifying business records.

"Memo to Donald Trump: If you break the law, you actually have to suffer some consequences for it. Signed, JD Vance," wrote the account @JoelKlebanoff.

"According to J.D. Vance’s logic, [House Judiciary Chair] Jim Jordan broke the law, has defied a Congressional subpoena for 762 days and should suffer consequences," wrote Jordan's Democratic challenger Tamie Wilson.

"Behold," wrote the account @__Arthur_Dent__. "The San Francisco Hedge Fund Manager, turned Coal Miner cosplayer, turned Lawyer cosplayer."

"So the top law enforcement official in the country is being held in contempt by a criminal syndicate," wrote the account @StadiumMainSt. "You can’t make this sh-t up."

"They’re not even trying to provide an explanation," wrote the account @MarkKlapper.

"At this point, irony is basically a withering skeleton six feet under the ground," wrote the account @rustle_john.

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