Navy explains new Russian tactics with submarines tactics in Black Sea

Dmytro Pletenchuk (

Russians have recently started to take turns deploying one submarine at a time to the Black Sea, posing a threat due to the presence of Kalibr missiles, according to the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk.

"They are currently there, as we can see, in rotation. This is a tactic chosen by our enemy: maintaining a presence in the Black Sea is ensured by the constant presence of a submarine," he said.

Pletenchuk reported that the Russians have four submarines in the Azov-Black Sea region, three of which are carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles.

"They are rotating the single submarine that is not a carrier. This means they always have a carrier in the sea. And it even launched one of those missiles a few days ago, though unsuccessfully," he said, adding that the missile was launched at the Mykolaiv region.

It was previously reported that there are eight Russian ships in the Black and Azov Seas, some of which are carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles.

Additionally, Russian forces can now reload submarines in Novorossiysk. They no longer need to return to the base in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol.