Theale man Joshua Redding admits child sex offending in Woolhampton

A MAN has been sent to the crown court for sentencing on a range of child sex offences.

Joshua Redding appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, March 29.

Reading Magistrates Courts

The 24-year-old, of Englefield Road, Theale, admitted eight offences, of various natures, in total.

Mr Redding admitted trying to cause a child to look at an image of a person engaging in a sexual activity, for his own sexual gratification.

Next, he indicated a guilty plea to communicating with an underage girl in a sexualised way, also for his own sexual gratification.

Mr Redding further admitted having nine indecent images of children in Category A, the most serious and extreme kind.

Mr Redding indicated a guilty plea to a similar charge in respect of four images in Category B and two in category C.

He then admitted two offences of possessing extreme pornography depicting bestiality and physical damage to a person’s genitals.

Finally, Mr Redding indicated a guilty plea to possessing prohibited images of children.

All the offences were committed on various dates in Woolhampton.

Mr Redding, who was legally represented at the hearing by Belinda Knight, was told that the case would be sentenced by a judge sitting at Reading Crown Court on a date to be fixed.

He was meanwhile released on bail with conditions.