Morning Joe busts Paul Ryan for wishy-washy opposition to 'authoritarian' Trump

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan during a press conference at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on January 6, 2016 (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb)

Paul Ryan rebuked Donald Trump in a Fox News interview, but MSNBC's Joe Scarborough called out his opposition as insufficient.

The former House speaker and current Fox Corporation board member questioned Trump's character and fitness for office, calling him an authoritarian and a drag on other Republican candidates, but the "Morning Joe" host lambasted Ryan for stopping short of saying he would vote for President Joe Biden and saying he would instead cast a write-in vote.

"I love the guy, I do, he's a wonderful man," Scarborough said. "I'm so glad he's speaking out. He's on the Fox board or one of the boards, he's in a position of authority over there. That's not something a lot of people would do, you know, to speak out like that. I appreciate that. I will say, the thing I don't understand is understanding that this guy is an authoritarian, understanding the dangers that he presents, and then saying, 'Well, I can't stand Joe Biden either, I'm going to vote for – I hate his policies, I'll just write in a vote.' Well, if you feel like democracy is on the line, if you feel there is an authoritarianism in waiting, what is so offensive about voting for a man who presided over the strongest economy in the world, that the World Bank said is fueling the world's economy. The Dow is at 40,000. We've never been stronger economically relative to the rest of the world probably since 1945, our military relative to the rest of the world has never been stronger than it is today."

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"I am grateful that Republicans like Paul Ryan are not voting for Donald Trump, actually proving they believe what they've been saying their whole life," Scarborough added. "That will be enough to defeat Donald Trump. I just wonder how you can say he is an authoritarian, a threat to American democracy, he doesn't have the character to be president, but I'm not going to vote for the one guy that can keep him out of office."

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