GOP senators offer range of 'awkward' responses when asked about Pride Month: 'Not a big fan'

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas in Phoenix in December 2023 (Gage Skidmore)

June is LGBTQ Pride Month, and celebrations are being held in a variety of U.S. cities.

For an article published on June 13, The New Republic's Pablo Manríquez asked 14 GOP senators if they were celebrating Pride Month. And their responses, according to Manríquez, ranged from "awkward" to defensive.

One of the Republicans who became defensive was Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. When Manríquez asked Cruz if any of his friends or relatives were celebrating Pride Month, Cruz angrily responded, "That's none of your damn business."

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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), according to Manríquez, had a "cryptic" response, telling him, "Is Pride a positive human problem?…. Pride comes before the fall."

"Pride goeth before destruction" is a quote from the King James version of the Bible (Proverbs 16:18). And "Pride Goes Before a Fall" was a hit for the late country singer Jim Reeves in 1962.

When Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) was asked about Pride Month, he responded, "The best thing I can do to help Pride is end the war in Gaza."

Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri told Manríquez, "I'm not a big Pride Month supporter or fan. I just think this idea that we're supposed to — especially with the trans piece — I mean, now we're being told that men can get pregnant. Our kids are being told in schools, often behind their parents' backs, that if they're a boy, they should be a girl."

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When Manríquez asked Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) if Pride Month is a big deal in his state, he responded, "Not to me, it isn't."

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Read Pablo Manríquez's full article for The New Republic at this link.

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