Stoltenberg: NATO to coordinate military aid to Ukraine tomorrow

Photo: Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary-General (Getty Images)

NATO defense ministers are likely to agree on an initiative to coordinate military assistance to Ukraine and training for Ukrainian soldiers tomorrow, June 14, according to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

"At this meeting, I expect that Ministers will approve a plan for NATO to lead the coordination of security assistance and training to Ukraine. This will ensure that we have a more long term, more predictable support for Ukraine," stated Secretary-General.

According to him, he also suggested that NATO countries should allocate 40 billion euros annually to help Ukraine.

"We should agree a minimum of 40 billions per year. We will ensure that Ukraine has a predictability. So my proposal is 40 billion minimum per year. It's about using GDP as a method for the burden sharing," added Stoltenberg.

He clarified that it was only military assistance within the framework of this initiative.

Coordination of military aid

Military aid to Ukraine is currently coordinated by the United States. But before the US presidential elections, they want to transfer this area to NATO control.

It is also planned that NATO will control the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (Ramstein format).

This will help avoid threats if Donald Trump, who refuses to support assistance to Ukraine, becomes the new US president.