Eight EU states demand travel restrictions on Russian diplomats

Eight EU states are calling for the freedom of movement of Russian diplomats to be significantly restricted, saying many are involved in propoganda or preparing acts of sabotage, in a letter to the EU's top diplomat on Thursday.

Specifically, they want members of Russia's diplomatic missions and their families to only be allowed to stay in the country in which they are working, said the foreign ministers of the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania in the letter to EU Foreign Affairs Representative Josep Borrell.

"This measure will significantly narrow operational space for Russian agents," reads the letter, seen by dpa.

It also mentions "information of planned sabotage and attacks by Russian intelligence services in the EU countries," though no further information about this is given.

The ministers said restricting the freedom of movement of Russian diplomats and their relatives does not constitute a violation of international law.

They said they were also aware that Russia could respond with countermeasures and that the EU should prepare for this possibility.

However, the potential costs of Russian retaliation are considered to be lower than the potential damage caused by Russian agents in Europe, they said.

Poland already restricted the freedom of movement of Russian diplomats in the country in late May, meaning they may now only move within the region where they are based.

The restrictions do not apply to the ambassador himself, but to all other diplomats working in the embassy and consulates, as the Polish government suspects Russian intelligence services of being responsible for cyberattacks and several major fires.