Hollywood's 'secret weapon' to beat Trump revealed

A view of the Hollywood sign from a street in a residential section of Hollywood, California [AFP]

A Hollywood movie mogul has President Joe Biden's ear and is doing some heavy lifting to navigate his ship to a second presidential term.

Jeffrey Katzenberg, who was head of Walt Disney Studios and the "K" in DreamWorks SKG studio, is working to help Biden fend off MAGA 2.0, according to a New York Times profile.

The article revealed the 73-year-old Katzenberg chats with Biden "several times a week."

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"To the best of my knowledge, this guy doesn’t sleep,” Jeffrey Zients, White House chief of staff, told the outlet. "He’s 24/7. That’s invaluable.”

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Rufus Gifford, who serves as Biden's campaign’s finance chair, admitted that Katzenberg has become a kind of superhero sidekick.

“He definitely has an opinion and argues it vociferously, which I appreciate,” said Gifford, adding “he calls us Batman and Robin. We argue about who’s Batman and who’s Robin.”

One of the tallest orders for Katzenberg was proving wrong all the flack he gets for being too old and disconnected.

Biden at 81 has faced scrutiny about his acuteness and whether he can keep leading the free world.

So Katzenberg turned it into a mission to rally the Dem troops and fatten the war chest.

“He was like, ‘Trust me. And if you don’t trust me, trust, but verify. Come with me and see for yourself and engage with the president,’” California Gov. Gavin Newsom told The Times. “And he started doing that in a consistent way.”

In the end, Newsom added: “He really was instrumental in getting people off the sidelines and getting them to dive headfirst in this campaign.”

“I never got a sense that there was any personal interest, if you know what I mean. Never. Never,” said Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass told the outlet. “He’s not trying to be an ambassador. He’s not trying to have a cabinet position.”

And with a snap of the manicured hand, the man who is estimated to be worth $2.1 billion, can summon unrivaled star power.

Come this Saturday night in Los Angeles, Katzenberg is hosting a star-studded affair featuring Biden along with his former boss, former President Barack Obama.

Also expected to hobnob together: Hollywood bigs like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel.

The fete comes after a $26 million fundraiser hosted at Radio City Music Hall in March where Obama and former President Bill Clinton appeared to inspire support for four more years of Biden.

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