'My work is in good hands': George Santos thanks GOP lawmaker for assist on old bill

U.S. Rep. George Santos (R-NY) speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol on Nov. 28, 2023, in Washington, D.C. Santos spoke about his ethics report and his upcoming expulsion vote. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Disgraced and booted former Rep. George Santos (R-NY) called it a "win for America" that a fellow Republican is picking up where he left off.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) wrote Thursday evening on X that he was taking over Santos's legislation that aims to "revoke the security clearances of the 51 lying intelligence officials who claimed that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation."

"Congress MUST hold bad actors accountable," Biggs said.

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In a video clip attached to his post, Biggs bragged to "Real America" with Dan Ball, which airs on One America News Network, "I just took the George Santos bill to take away the classification, the security clearance of the 51 IC people ... who basically, not basically, totally lied."

He added: "And they say now, some of them are saying, 'I have no regrets.'"

Santos applauded Biggs's announcement.

"Credits to my amazing staff who had the [forsesight]! I may be gone but my work is in good hands!"

In response to a conservative supporter who told Biggs to stop talking about the legislation and "do it," Santos defended the Arizona congressman.

"He’s doing it… he’s actually reintroducing my bill," Santos said. "That’s a huge win and step towards real accountability."

Santos gained national notoriety after being elected to the House of Representatives in 2022, representing Long Island's 3rd congressional district. He faced fierce scrutiny after reports surfaced following his election that he embellished his personal and professional background.

The House voted in 2023 to expel Santos after an ethics report on his conduct heightened lawmakers’ concerns about the scandal-plagued freshman lawmaker. His ouster made Santos just the sixth member in chamber history to be expelled by colleagues.

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