Putin warns Western ‘selfishness’ has pushed world close to ‘point of no return’


Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on Friday that the “selfishness” and “arrogance” of Western powers have brought the world “unacceptably close” to the point of “no return.”

During his address at the Russian Foreign Ministry meeting, Putin criticized the actions of the United States and NATO, accusing them of undermining global strategic stability.

Putin blames Washington for destabilizing global security

Putin specifically pointed to Washington’s decision to unilaterally withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty as a key factor in destabilizing international security.

“Let me also remind you that it was Washington that undermined strategic stability by announcing a unilateral withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty,” Putin emphasized.

He added that the United States, along with NATO, “destroyed” a system of confidence-building measures and arms control that had been in place in Europe for decades.

European Union blamed for deteriorating relations

The Russian leader also placed responsibility on Brussels for the worsening of relations between Moscow and the European Union.

Putin reiterated that the EU bears sole responsibility for the current state of affairs, criticizing recent speculation about Moscow’s alleged plans to “attack” Europe as baseless.

He dismissed these reports as “nonsense,” underscoring that such narratives only serve to escalate tensions further.

Independence claims and conflict origins

Putin emphasized that the DPR and LPR had the legitimate right to declare their independence due to Ukraine’s actions, which he described as a war against their interests.

“Ukraine was the one that unleashed a war against their interests,” Putin stated, justifying the regions’ declarations of independence and subsequent integration into Russia.

The Russian President highlighted that Ukraine and Russia could have potentially resolved the conflict through diplomatic means if not for what he termed as interference by Western countries. “

We would have found a solution, but the meddling of ‘the West’ prevented it.

Eight-year stance on DPR and LPR independence

Putin also addressed Russia’s stance over the past eight years, during which it did not recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR. He explained that this non-recognition was due to Russia’s desire to reach an agreement with Ukraine.

Indicating that Russia’s initial goal was to find a diplomatic solution rather than immediate integration of these territories, Putin said,

We did not recognize their independence for eight years because we wanted to reach an agreement.

Broader geopolitical implications

The integration of the DPR and LPR into the Russian Federation has significant geopolitical implications, exacerbating tensions between Russia and the Western nations.

Putin’s speech underscores Russia’s firm stance on the issue, which is likely to further strain its relations with Ukraine and Western countries.

The Russian President’s remarks come at a time of heightened international scrutiny and diplomatic maneuvering, reflecting the complexities and challenges of the ongoing conflict in the region.

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