'Human gaffe machine': Trump's inner circle frantic as they clean up another mess

Donald Trump (Photo via Flickr)

On the heels of Donald Trump's attack on Milwaukee as a "horrible city" just weeks before the Republican National Convention will be held there, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough suggested that the former president's inner circle would prefer he not speak off the cuff because he's a "human gaffe machine."

MSNBC "Way Too Early" host Jonathan Lemoire kicked off the discussion by telling the "Morning Joe" panel, "This is an odd strategy, to attack the biggest city in the largest battleground state in this election. I wonder what he has in store for Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix, Detroit — just go after all of them."

"This is what the Biden campaign has been looking for: Trump out of the courtroom, back on the trail, making news, and making news that hurts him. This was an own goal, if you will, yesterday in D.C." he added.

"Well, and this is why, of course, the Trump campaign wanted Donald Trump to stay in the courthouse," host Scarborough remarked. "They didn't want him on the campaign trail, they don't want him on Capitol Hill because he says really stupid things. He is a human gaffe machine."

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"Here, he did it with Milwaukee yesterday," he continued. "I mean, the thing he doesn't understand about these Midwest cities, especially - you know, when we were in Cleveland a couple of years ago for the [2016] convention ... the thing I noted about Cleveland was, first of all, a great city, the immense pride people took. They're like, 'Cleveland. been here my whole life. I love it.' I found the same thing with, like, Milwaukee."

"It is a great city. but, you know, so that's a crazy thing for Donald Trump to say, right?" Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson added. "But, you know, it just reminds me that he says crazy, irrational, weird, and unhinged things all the time. He doesn't make sense."

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