NATO defence ministers endorse Ukraine military aid plan

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (C) chairs the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels. -/NATO/dpa

NATO defence ministers on Friday endorsed a plan for the alliance to coordinate military aid to Ukraine.

"We have agreed on a plan that sets out how NATO will lead the coordination of security assistance and training," the alliance's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in a press conference on Friday.

NATO countries have been coordinating support to Ukraine through an informal, United States-led group called the Ukraine Defence Contact Group.

The new plan would shift that responsibility to a formal mission under the alliance called NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NSATU).

NSATU would see NATO officially coordinate military aid to Ukraine for the first time.

The plan was approved at a lower level on Thursday, alliance sources told dpa, and then endorsed by defence ministers on Friday.

NSATU will be headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany and formally launched at a NATO leaders' summit in Washington in July, Stoltenberg said.

NSATU "will consist of a NATO command located at a US facility in Wiesbaden, and at logistical nodes in the eastern part of the Alliance, under a three-star general reporting to Supreme Allied Commander Europe."

"This effort is expected to involve nearly 700 personnel from NATO and partner countries," Stoltenberg said.

"NATO will oversee training of Ukrainian armed forces at training facilities in Allied countries, support Ukraine through the planning and coordination of donations, manage transfer and repair of equipment, provide support to the long-term development of Ukraine's armed forces."

Ministers also discussed the need to bolster military deterrence and strengthen their defence industries by providing "sustainable demand," Stoltenberg said.

NATO has a long-standing target for member states to spend 2% of their Gross Domestic Product on defence - though until Russia's all-out invasion of Ukraine in 2022, only a few countries met the target, and many still don't.

"We still need all allies to meet our shared commitment to spend at least 2% of GDP on defence," US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin said in a press conference on Friday. "Let me underscore the words: 'at least 2%'" he emphasized.

Austin noted that 18 NATO countries are meeting the target, and this figure will be updated at the Washington summit in July.

He added that although total European NATO members' military spending does now amount to 2% of their combined GDP, "that is no substitute for each ally living up to its commitment - each and every single one."

Canadian Defence Minister Bill Blair told reporters after the meeting on Friday that Canada's latest defence policy update would raise defence spending to 1.75% of GDP by 2029-2030, but the government is working to push that further to 2% by the end of the decade.

"There are other things not yet fully funded in our budgets, but which we must inevitably do: new capabilities that we need to replace, and we have begun the processes. Frankly, I and my team have got some work to do," he said.

"Those expenditures must inevitably bring us - but before the end of this decade - to meeting our NATO commitment of spending 2% on defence," said Blair.

Arriving before the meeting on Friday, Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur said 2% is insufficient.

"Two percent is not enough" he said. "We need to go further from here."

He said Estonia proposes that upwards of 2.5% should be the target, while the Baltic nation itself is investing 3.4% this year and more than 3% next year.

"When we look also how much Russia is investing at the moment to defence this year - close to 9% of their GDP - then we all understand that when we put in comparison our 2% in NATO, or 3-3.5% in Baltic states and Poland, then still we need to invest more," Pevkur said.

The meeting on Friday is the last meeting of NATO ministers before a leaders' summit due to be held in Washington in July.

There, Stoltenberg wants NATO countries to agree a plan to maintain long-term their current level of support to Ukraine, which he puts at €40 billion ($43 billion) per year. The burden would be divided up according to NATO countries' GDP, with the United States contributing 50%, Stoltenberg said on Thursday.

The current agreement on NSATU does not include any specific financial commitments, but establishes that joint aid will at least be coordinated by NATO proper.

Hungary agreed on Wednesday not to block the mission in exchange for not being required to contribute to it.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (C) chairs the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels. -/NATO/dpa
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (C) chairs the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels. -/NATO/dpa
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks to the media upon his arrival ahead of the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence at NATO Headquarters. -/NATO/dpa

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