Will Donald Trump Live Longer Than Joe Biden?

With former president Donald Trump celebrating a birthday on Friday, June 14, the topic of his health along with that of his arch nemesis, Joe Biden, has been tabled.

Knewz.com has learned of expert opinion favoring the chances of both men living into their 90s for the simple reason that they have made it this far already.

Joe Biden's cognizance has come under the spotlight on numerous occasions. By: MEGA

Life insurance risk analyst from Wisconsin, Scott Witt, told the Daily Beast that both men’s medicals may not give all the details and thus they are not a reliable indication of the two men’s health statuses—especially with Trump - who has just turned 78 - and his significantly high body mass index.

While the public and the press have made a meal of Biden's numerous gaffs and public freezes, Witt says that both leaders’ cognitive abilities are an area of concern.

In this context, Witt notes, that being a president is not an easy job, and many would deteriorate under the pressure of its demands.

Former President Donald Trump's body mass index is a factor. By: MEGA

Be that as it may, presidents generally have better life expectancies and tend to live past 90. Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, and George H.W. Bush (who were the last three presidents to pass away) are examples of the latter, along with Jimmy Carter, who will be celebrating his 100th birthday on October 1.

Witt credits this to quality medical care.

“That could be a coincidence, but it could be indicative of advances in medicine, especially among those who have access to the best of the best in terms of health care,” he says.

“[If] you live to that (mature) age, you’re probably not going to die of an opioid overdose, you’re probably not going to die in a drunk driving accident.”

Many of the Oval Office's occupants have passed 90. By: MEGA

Other factors that favor Biden and Trump’s longevity is that long life is in their genes.

Biden’s father lived to 86 and his mother 92, while Trump’s mother and father died at 88 and 93 respectively.

The latter does not mean life insurance companies are willing to offer lower premiums. Witt notes that a man of Trump’s age can expect to pay $25,000 per year while quotes are not even available for men as old as Biden.

Witt summed it up as: “The older person has a better chance of reaching an arbitrary age, the younger person has a better chance of living an arbitrary number of years.”

The healthiest versions of Donald Trump and Joe Biden can expect to live another 14 years. By: MEGA

As to which of the two politicians will outlive the other: The healthiest of men Trump’s Age can expect to live at least another 14 years (until 92) while the healthiest version of Biden will see 94.

According to the Pew Research Center, Biden is the oldest serving president. Should he be elected to serve another term he will exit the White House at the age of 84.