Police investigating inappropriate comments made in St Mary’s Bay public loo release image

Police have released an image after a man reportedly made inappropriate comments to teenage boys in a public loo.

The comments were allegedly made to a pair in a public toilet near Dymchurch Road, St Mary’s Bay, at around 5pm yesterday (June 13).

Officers say this man may be able to assist enquiries, after comments were reportedly made to teenage boys in a public toilet in St Mary's Bay. Picture: Kent Police

An investigation to establish the full circumstances is ongoing and officers have released an image of a man who may be able to assist enquiries.

Anyone with information, or who recognises the man, is urged to call Kent Police on 01843 222289 quoting reference 46/98056/24.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or by using the online form.