Putin says nearly 700,000 Russian soldiers are deployed in war zone

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attend a meeting with the senior officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry. -/Kremlin /dpa

Russian President Vladimir Putin says nearly 700,000 soldiers are currently fighting in his war on Ukraine. "There are almost 700,000 of us in the zone of special military operations," he said on Friday as he met soldiers who are being trained for a leadership position.

This is significantly more than six months ago, when he referred to 617,000 soldiers, during a press conference in December 2023.

Russian troops are also going continue to advance in the eastern Kharkiv region, Putin said. "We are simply forced to move the front line further in the Kharkiv region in order to reduce the terrorist strikes against Belgorod and other localities."

Russia has been shelling Ukrainian cities since the start of the war, particularly Kharkiv, a major city near the border.

Recently, however, Ukrainian attacks against Belgorod in western Russia have also intensified.

Moscow launched its new offensive against the Kharkiv region in May, in what observers say is an attempt to stretch Ukrainian defences and force a breakthrough at the front. So far, however, Russia has only made it a few kilometres across the border.

The "10 to 15 or 17 kilometres" will not completely prevent the Ukrainians from continuing to shell Russian cities, but the danger is gradually decreasing, Putin said, adding caution was needed.

"But if the enemy continues to do what it has been doing so far, then we will consider how to proceed in order to protect our towns and cities," he said, in a hint that the offensive may grow more intense.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting with the senior officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry. -/Kremlin /dpa