'Macho man?' Anderson Cooper bemused by Trump's choice of birthday party music

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CNN Correspondent Kristen Holmes cracked a smile when asked about how former President Donald Trump's 78th birthday bash was going.

"What's the scene like at Trump's birthday celebration," CNN's Anderson Cooper inquired. "They're playing apparently 'Macho Man' by the Village People?"

Holmes' grin straightened up when she tried to answer. (Cooper kept a straight face, albeit slightly cracking a side grin) as the flamboyant Gay band's hit track boomed.

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"I'll tell you, he really embraced the fact that it was his birthday," she told him. "Yesterday, it was his team that posted Senate Republicans presenting him with a cake. Today they sang 'Happy Birthday' to him on the stage."

“This is the biggest birthday party I’ve ever had by far,” Trump said, when he gave a speech to the “Club 47” fan club members at a convention center in West Palm Beach, near his Mar-a-Lago home and club.

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The president was befitted with a colossal, multi-layered cake while jubilant attendees tossed red and blue balloons.

But it was the moment when Holmes happened to be feeding a report from the party that the suggestive lyrics could be clearly heard in the background of Holmes' dispatch.

They include: "Body Body, it's so hot, my it's so hot, my body, baby. Love to pop my love to pop my body, yeah-yeah!"

"I say that the surprise because Donald Trump is very much aware that his age is a factor in this race as much as President Joe Biden's age is a factor and that's why when he goes after Biden, he doesn't an attack him for his age. Specifically says things like it's about cognitive ability or it's about mental fitness.

"He doesn't talk about age because if Donald Trump is to win November — he will be the oldest person to be sworn in as president and something again, that he is very aware of. So I was surprised to see how much they embrace the fact that it wasn't 78th birthday, but he did here today."

"Playing the greatest hits," Cooper then deadpanned.

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