Extinction Rebellion protesters chain themselves up outside G7 summit

Demonstrators shout slogans during a protest against the G7 summit in Fasano, southern Italy, Friday, June 14, 2024. ©Gregorio Borgia/Copyright 2024 The AP. All rights reserved.

Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion have chained themselves at the gate of the G7 media centre to protest against what they say is a lack of action in climate change policy.

The G7 gathering in a luxury resort in Puglia, Italy is formally focused on migration, global conflicts and the spread of artificial intelligence.

Italy is hosting the summit of the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations, hosted by Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni in Borgo Egnazia.

In nearby Fattizze d'Arneo, activists have gathered in a campsite to protest and hold thematic panels.

The G7 summit is focused on global conflicts, the spread of artificial intelligence and Africa, in particular Italy’s longstanding concern about uncontrolled migration to Europe from the continent.

Climate change will also be discussed however. In Greece on Thursday the authorities had to close down the Acropolis in Athens during the afternoon for a second day as the country sweltered under unseasonably high temperatures.

According to the Climate Analytics policy institute, G7 countries are responsible for 21% of total greenhouse gas emissions in 2021.

Its members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The G7 is an informal forum with an annual summit to discuss economic policy and security issues.

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