Fico ally Peter Pellegrini to be sworn in as Slovakia's president

President-elect of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini arrives at the ceremonial meeting of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on the occasion of his swearing-in. Jaroslav Novák/TASR/dpa

Peter Pellegrini, a close ally of left-wing populist Prime Minister Robert Fico, will be sworn in as president of Slovakia on Saturday.

The 48-year-old is due to take the oath of office in a ceremony in front of parliament in Bratislava at midday.

Pellegrini won the run-off election in April with 53.1% of the vote, beating out former foreign minister Ivan Korčok.

Ukraine featured prominently in the campaign, with Pellegrini advocating a cautious stance on arms deliveries to Kiev - a position that is in line with Russia-friendly Fico.

Pellegrini previously served as prime minister from 2018 to 2020 and as parliamentary speaker.

The incumbent Zuzana Čaputová, a lawyer and rights activist, did not run for a second five-year term despite her continued popularity as president.

Pellegrini's Voice - Social Democracy party is part of Slovakia's governing coalition, led by Fico. The right-wing populist Slovak National Party (SNS) is also part of the fractious coalition.

Presidents in Slovakia have few executive powers, although they can veto laws. The president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and represents the country of nearly 5.5 million in visits abroad.

Slovakia and its fellow EU members were stunned by an assassination attempt against Fico last month that left the prime minister seriously injured.

Slovakia's new president Peter Pellegrini signs the oath of office at his inauguration during a ceremonial meeting of the Slovak parliament. Šálek Václav/CTK/dpa