'Where's Lorenzo?' Trump brags of meeting Black pastor — but doesn't know he's beside him

Trump gets the pastor who hosted his roundtable pointed out to him. (Screen grab courtesy of Newsmax)

Donald Trump celebrated the Black pastor who invited him to a roundtable at a Detroit church Saturday — but failed to recognize the man despite him sitting right next to him.

Theformer president was at the 180 Church for a roundtable with the Black evangelical congregation.

“I just met your pastor, your great pastor, Lorenzo Sewell,” he said.

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“I want to thank Lorenzo for hosting us and for all the work he’s done to serve the people of this community.

“I hear he’s phenomenal. Where is Lorenzo? Where is Lorenzo?”

Sewell was sitting just two chairs away from him at the end of the table.

Other attendees sitting at the same table had to point directly to the man for Trump.

Trump’s team had reached out to the church to arrange the roundtable in an effort to shore up Black votes before the November election, Reuters reported.

When Sewell was contacted, he told the news organization he thought it was a joke.

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“I was thinking, ‘Am I being punked?’” he said, but jumped at the chance to host Trump.

“That began to move my heart because people that are disenfranchised, pushed aside, and marginalized typically don’t have a voice at the table,” he said.

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