Reuters: Draft summit declaration urges respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity

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A draft joint communique from Ukraine's global peace summit in Switzerland affirms Ukraine's "internationally recognized borders" and blames the Russian Federation for launching a war that has caused "large-scale human suffering," Reuters reported June 15.

Officials from over 100 foreign governments and international organizations convened in Lucerne, Switzerland June 15 to hold talks on Ukraine's peace process. President Volodymyr Zelensky said that an action plan based on the summit's framework will be presented to Russia at a future peace conference.

The draft document, seen by Reuters, calls for a path to peace based on international law and the United Nations Charter. It also expresses support for Ukraine's territorial integrity.

"In particular, we reaffirm our commitment to refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders, including territorial waters, and the resolution of disputes through peaceful means as principles of international law," the document reads.

The full withdrawal of Russian troops from occupied Ukrainian lands is a feature of Zelensky's 10-point peace formula, which serves as the foundation for the Swiss forum.

Ahead of the summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 14 said that Russia would only enter peace talks if Ukraine stops defending occupied regions and cedes control to Moscow.

The draft also calls for the restoration of the occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to Ukrainian control and an end to nuclear blackmail.

"Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing war against Ukraine is inadmissible," the statement says.

The draft declaration further calls on Russia to end the weaponization of food security and to restore free, safe access to commercial vessels in ports and shipping corridors. It also demands the release of all prisoners via a complete exchange and the return of all illegally deported Ukrainian children.

Read also: Explainer: What is the global peace summit in Switzerland, and what does Ukraine hope to achieve?