Palestinians in Gaza struggle to mark Eid amid Israeli attacks

Palestinians in Gaza gathered to mark the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha on Sunday in prayers and public gatherings despite the destruction of dozens of mosques throughout Israel's eight-month long onslaught.

Israeli military attacks were reported across the territory, including dozens of explosions in western Rafah, following a deadly day for Israel's military when eight troops were killed in Tal as-Sultan.

The military said it would hold tactical pauses in fighting to allow aid supplies for Palestinians to enter through the Karam Abu Salam (Kerem Shalom) border crossing, following weeks of severely disrupted distribution that has seen hunger and disease cases surge.

Ceasefire talks, led by US, Qatari and Egyptian mediators remain stalled, with Israel refusing to sign off on Hamas' key demands for a full military withdrawal from Gaza.

© Al-Araby Al-Jadeed