Kiev hosts brief Pride march for first time since Russia's invasion

About 500 demonstrators protested on Sunday in the Ukrainian capital Kiev under heavy security for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people.

It was the first Pride march since the Russian invasion of Ukraine over two years ago.

Due to the martial law in place, permits for demonstrations are difficult to obtain. The first Pride demonstration took place in 2013 and were held regularly between 2015 and 2021.

On Sunday the protesters demanded the legalization of civil unions and harsh penalties for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

For security reasons, the march was only allowed to proceed for a few dozen metres. The participants were directed to the the underground metro after a few minutes.

Several Ukrainian soldiers and diplomats from Western embassies also took part.

Local media reported that hundreds of partially masked supporters of far-right organizations simultaneously marched through the centre of Kiev and tried to prevent the LGBTQ demonstration from going forward.

The police reportedly separated the two demonstrations.