New sports pitch opens at Sir Roger Manwood’s School, Sandwich, in memory of Peter Firminger

A pensioner has opened a new sports pitch at a grammar school in memory of his twin brother who was a pupil and teacher there.

David Firminger, 95, formally opened the Peter Firminger Memorial Astroturf pitch at Sir Roger Manwood’s School (SRMS) in Sandwich.

Peter Firminger, who the new sports pitch at Sir Roger Manwood's School, Sandwich, is named after. Picture: Sir Roger Manwood's School

Peter was a pupil at the school but later taught there, becoming head of PE and a boarding master.

A school spokesman said: “In total he served 40 years, man and boy, at SRMS.

“Peter was also a key member of the local hockey fraternity and was well-known across Kent in hockey circles.”

David is also an ‘Old Manwoodian’ and he opened the pitch with another ex-pupil, Mel Clewlow, 48.

She represented England Hockey at three Commonwealth Games with podium finishes in the 1998 (silver), 2002 (silver) and 2006 (bronze) Games.

David Firminger at the sports pitch named after his twin Peter at Sir Roger Manwood's School in Sandwich. Picture: Sir Roger Manwood's School

She also competed twice for Great Britain at the 2000 and 2008 summer Olympics.

Peter’s daughters Sue and Sally were also at the ceremony.

The school says the pitch has come into use after years of fundraising and can be used by both pupils and the community.

It is for games such as hockey, football, and netball.

The development includes an extension to the school’s car park and improvements to the existing pavilion.

The new sports pitch at Sir Roger Manwood's School in Sandwich. Picture: Sir Roger Manwood's School

Metal fabricator Stevens and Carlotti, based in Ramsgate Road, refurbished the main gates that lead to the pitch.

Representatives from the company were at the ceremony along with those from the builders Smith’s Construction and project designer and manager Paul Hawkins.

Sir Roger Manwood’s, a grammar school, was established in 1563.

The founder it is named after was born in Sandwich and was Chancellor to Elizabeth I. The Queen had given the school its historic bell.

Manwood was also MP for Hastings and then Sandwich in the 1550s and 1560s.