In months, not years. Zelenskyy tells about timing of second peace summit

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine does not have time for long-term work on how to come to peace in a war with Russia. We need to act quickly, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"We don't have time for long-term work. We have to act quickly. The work should last for months, not years. When the peace action plan is ready and every step is worked out, the way will be opened for the second peace summit, and thus for the end of the war and a just and lasting peace," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, there are already a number of countries that want to host the second peace summit, and Ukraine has already begun discussing this issue.

"We have started negotiations with them. I am confident that the choice will be of truly global importance," the president emphasized.

Peace summit in Switzerland

This weekend, Switzerland is hosting a global peace summit organized at the initiative of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The summit is based on the Ukrainian formula for peace, and about 100 countries and international organizations are taking part in it.

Earlier, Zelenskyy voiced his expectations for the first peace summit.

Read more about what the peace formula says and what will be discussed during the summit in Switzerland in the RBC-Ukraine article.