The Five HEAVIEST Weezer Songs Ever

Jamie McCarthy, Getty Images

Weezer‘s very well-known for their earworm rock songs, but did you know they get heavy?

Rivers Cuomo‘s not-so-secret secret is that he loves a good riff. While many musicians who grew up on a steady diet of KISS and Metallica end up starting their own metal bands, Cuomo decided he would channel that energy into Weezer.

In Weezer’s 30+ year career, the band has played everything from pop music to emo. Cuomo’s insatiable workrate at writing songs has spawned hundreds, if not thousands of songs. Of those many, Cuomo has certainly gotten heavy, adding an edge to Weezer one might not expect if their only exposure is “Beverly Hills.”

READ MORE: The Five Heaviest Pearl Jam Songs

Here are the five heaviest songs Weezer has ever released.

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