Israel Says It Will Pause Fighting Daily Along a Road in Gaza to Aid Relief Efforts

Israel's military said Sunday it would begin a daily "pause" in combat operations against Hamas along a road in southern Gaza to help humanitarian aid reach beleaguered Palestinian civilians.

The decision followed discussions with the United Nations and international relief organizations, the Israel Defense Forces said in a message posted on social media.

The route leads from the Kerem Shalom border crossing with Israel to a hospital in the embattled city of Rafah, according to a map the IDF posted on X.

The daily "tactical pause" will run from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time "until further notice," the IDF said.

The announcement coincided with the start of a major Muslim holiday, Eid Al-Adha, the Associated Press noted.

The road covers about 7 1/2 miles of territory, according to AP. Israel's move fell far short of the complete ceasefire called for by the international community, including key ally the United States.

The pause is intended to allow aid trucks to safely travel between the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Salah al-Din highway, a major north-south road.

The crossing has been plagued by bottlenecks since Israeli ground troops moved into Rafah in early May, AP said.