Fuming club president throws out bid for Gers-linked striker in defiant transfer declaration

The Rangers striker hunt has certainly taken a few twists and turns already this transfer window.

The Ibrox side are on the lookout for reinforcements in their forward line after the club were found wanting in the striker department come the end of last season.

A new campaign brings fresh optimism and as Rangers let go of Kemar Roofe and Brazilian striker Danilo returns from injury, there’s plenty of it.

Cyriel Dessers still hold the number 9 jersey too and there’s still talk of Abdallah Sima making a return.

In the meantime Rangers do have a striker void to fill and there are currently two names heading the list at least as far as the media is concerned.

But now there has been cold water poured on some of that transfer talk with a seemingly paltry bid from an unnamed club not amusing one club president.

Photo by Flaviu Buboi/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Rapid president talks Albion Rrahmani

Albion Rrahmani has been one of the most prominent Rangers-linked strikers this summer.

The Rapid Bucharest hitman netted 19 times for the Romanian club last season following a £600k move from Kosovan side Ballkini.

Rangers were said to hold €6m (£5m) interest in Rrahmani but the Gers are certainly not the only ones.

Both Slavia and Sparta Prague have been linked in Czechia whilst Napoli, Aston Villa, and Benfica have been routinely mentioned in dispatches.

But whilst Albion Rrahmani was snapped saying his goodbyes at the end of the Rapid season, those emotional scenes might have been a tad premature.

That’s because the Rapid president – who has just appointed Neil Lennon as the club’s manager – has thrown a bid out for the forward with the current plan for Rrahmani to remain in Bucharest next season.

As things stand, the only offer on the table doesn’t quite meet Romanian expectations.

“There is, at the moment, an offer for Rrahmani, which, from our point of view, is not at his level and value,” Viorel Moldovan told Prima Sport.

“I can’t say from whose side, however we want Rrahmani to continue with us. Moreover, he is under contract with the club, he is a very important player for us and we hope that he will help us to achieve our goals.

“It is not easy to manage such a moment, things can be tempting when you hear that you have offers, maybe for the better, but he is a balanced boy, an ok boy, I think we will still have him.”

Ibrox striker hunt turns to Hamza Igamane

Rangers meanwhile have been strongly linked with a move for a different striker.

Whilst we cannot confirm nor deny that the situation with Albion Rrahmani is linked, reports started emerging over the weekend surrounding Hamza Igamane.

Currently plying his trade in homeland Morocco with FAR Rabat, it’s been claimed that Rangers have agreed a £1.7m deal for the striker subject to a medical.

At 21-years-old Igamane certainly fits the Nils Koppen Rangers player trading model and it does appear to be quite an exciting move on paper.

Especially when you consider Hamza Igamane is considered one of the best U23 strikers in world football.

With a move for the Moroccan certainly more advanced than any interest in Albion Rrahmani, it remains unclear if the two situations are linked.

But with Igamane edging closer to Ibrox and Rrahmani set to unpack his suitcase in Bucharest, one thing is increasingly clear.

Rangers certainly aren’t going to be waiting around to tie off deals this summer.