Bill Barr ripped for previous waffling on Trump plan to execute staffers after new report

Bill Barr (Screen Grab)

Former Attorney General Bill Barr came under harsh criticism on Monday morning after a former high-ranking Donald Trump White House aide claimed over the weekend that the ex-president wanted to execute disloyal staffers.

In the new interview, former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin stated the former president was furious about leakers in his administration and insisted they should be put to death.

Using that as a platform, the hosts of MSNMBC's "Morning Joe,' shared a clip of Barr on CNN from April when he blew off similar reports before endorsing the former president.

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Speaking with host Kaitlan Collins at the time, Barr glibly addressed earlier accusations by telling the CNN host, "I remember him being very mad about that. I actually don't remember him saying executing, but, you know, I wouldn't dispute it. You know, it doesn't sound — the president would lose his temper and say things like that. I doubt he would have actually carried it out, you know. "

"But he would say that on other occasions?" Collins pressed.

"You know, the president had — I think people sometimes took him too literally and, you know, he would say things like similar to that on occasions to blow off steam, but I wouldn't take him literally every time he did it," he parried.

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After sharing the clip, co-host Joe Scarborough remarked, "So let's get this right: the attorney general of the United States heard the commander in chief calling for the execution of staff members, and then when he is asked about it, after he's made clear that he is going to endorse for president the man who is calling for the execution of staff members, because I guess Barr is shocked and stunned by Joe Biden's, like, student debt relief plan, that's where they always run to. Well, if you think January 6th was bad, calling for the execution of staff members are bad, what about Joe Biden's three-tier plan to relieve students of their debt? Which they actually do!"

"Here we have a guy who is attorney general, a lawyer," he continued. "I'll tell you, lawyers, I'm not even a good lawyer, but you get lawyers in conversations, they remember things. They have a Dictaphone going. They've got, you know, it's going in their heads. And you hear something like that, your mind is trained to set that apart: 'Okay, the president of the United States just said we should execute staffers for leaking.' I mean, what Barr says is so laughable. What Alyssa said is so chilling."

Watch the video below or at this link.

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