5 signs a 'super attractive' person isn't easy to live with, broken down by dating coach

While attractive people naturally draw a lot of attention, their lives aren’t as easy as you’d imagine. A dating coach breaks down five signs of a “super attractive” individual and the challenges their good looks come with.

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, they say. However, there are things people do when they find someone attractive – not necessarily pleasant to be subject to.

Copyright Abel Mitja Varela

5 signs you are ‘super-attractive’

A good-looking person isn’t always showered with compliments and sent roses or free drinks. In fact, attractive folks are treated rather coldly, says dating coach Jacob Lucas.

In one of his TikTok videos, he explains five things that often occur in the lives of people who are “super attractive.”

Finding friends of the same gender is hard

Jacob claims those blessed with good looks and an appealing personality find it hard to make friends of the same gender, stating “jealousy” as the reason.

The dating coach says people are intimated by your good looks, and see you as a “competition.” So if you find it easier to make friends with the opposite gender, perhaps you’re too attractive and you haven’t realized it.

People are mean to you

The dating coach goes on to claim that attractive people are subject to “mean” remarks because others want to make you feel insecure about yourself.

This could be done by comparing you to others or passing snarky comments about your looks or character. Jacob says it comes from a place of insecurity, often projected on people they view as competition.

Your ex has an inflated ego

Whether they treat you respectfully or not, romantic partners love to flaunt their attractive girlfriends or boyfriends. If your former lover developed a “big ego” from dating you, it means you’re a naturally attractive person.

They may use you as an example while choosing their future partners and pride themselves in the fact that you two dated in the past. However, it may have nothing to do with them and they may have “got lucky” by meeting you at the “right place and the right time” as the dating coach says.

People will brag to you

If someone is painting themselves as a successful and established person without you asking, it’s a sign that they find you attractive.

Jacob says those who often brag to you intend to impress you because they find you intimidating and extremely attractive.

They can’t believe you’re single

Many can’t fathom that attractive people can stay single for whatever reason. It’s easier to assume you’re always taken or in a relationship with someone as attractive as you.

If you don’t meet the above criteria, it implies you have a well-hidden issue. What else could keep you single otherwise?

Jacob Lucas is a professional dating and relationship coach and a successful content creator on TikTok with over 770,000 followers. His expertise and knowledge have landed him guest spots on renowned podcasts and features in leading news articles and live TV. Jacob has also authored two books – Relationship Advice That Actually Works and Her Dating Coach.