Don't Be Fooled: Candidate Trying to Appear 'Moderate' Scrubs Social Media of Biden Praise, Trump Attacks

Lanon Baccam / Screen shot

Here’s some news: The sun came up this morning. A dog bit a man. A politician represented himself as something he’s not.

I know. No real news there.

Except let’s look at that last one, because it’s important to the people of Iowa and, for that matter, all of us.

Iowa native Lanon Baccam is running for office in Iowa’s Third Congressional District.

“Combat veteran, public servant and son of rural Iowa,” says his campaign website.


The website also says -- “The cost of gas and groceries is still too high for working families.”

“We need to lower costs while creating good-paying jobs everywhere – especially in our small towns and rural communities,” the site continues.

“Jobs like factory work, manufacturing, building trades, and more should be able to support a family.”

Wow! This guy is really …

Oh, wait. Read on --

His website has a section on “reproductive rights.” That, of course, means promoting abortion, and Baccam wants to hold the line on a national ban on abortion and bring back the bloodletting of Roe v. Wade.

Baccam is a Democrat, and, of course, a Democrat cannot get up in the morning without mumbling something about reproductive freedom or more correctly, about stopping reproduction through abortion.

Yet, his website puts forth a moderate tone as it talks about the economy and has headlines like “Fighting for Small Towns and Rural Communities.” He advocates “finding a way to bring our country back together so that we can rebuild our communities, protect our democracy, and get things done.”

A moderate moderating, that’s Lanon Baccam, he would have us believe.

Except Baccam probably doesn’t want Iowans to know too much about his past.

He’s been a paid activist and served on the Senate staff of Hillary Clinton. In 2020, he was the deputy state director for Joe Biden’s campaign, according to Fox News.

Don’t know if he’s cleaned up his act since then, but he’s certainly cleaned up his online posts about working on the Biden campaign and about criticizing President Trump.

Poof! Down the memory hole.

After all, in Iowa a fella can't be too moderate.

Luke Wolff, spokesman for the Republican Party of Iowa, sees it differently -- “You can try to run but you cannot hide from your political past,” he said.

Far-left partisan activist @Lanon_Baccam's magical disappearing act continues!

"Iowa Dem scrubbed anti-Trump tweets from X account to appear more moderate" #IA03

— Jack Pandol (@jackpandol) June 14, 2024

“Lanon Baccam is bought and paid for: anointed by Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton to fake his way to the Third Congressional District seat,” Wolf said, quoted on the Iowa GOP website.

A statement on the site said "Lanon sees the writing on the wall: Biden is losing favorability with the American people and is losing it FAST.

"Lanon's attempts to wipe his social media clean are a sad attempt to run from his radical political past ... His undying support of Biden shows if elected to Congress, Lanon would vote in lockstep with every progressive, far-left Democrat in the House and he would forget about Iowan values the second he steps foot in Washington D.C.," the Iowa GOP statement said.

Wolff advocated for Baccam’s Republican opponent, Zach Nunn, also a combat veteran.