Woman bit police officer after hurling abuse at customers in Margate’s Brewers Fayre

A drunk woman sunk her teeth into a police officer after declaring Brewers Fayre customers were “s**gs”.

Bethamy Smith sparked a disturbance inside the Margate branch prompting staff to ask police to help remove her.

Bethamy Smith was sentenced over the matters on May 28.

On arrival, officers would discover the 27-year-old hurling abuse at restaurant customers and refusing to leave The Promenade venue before she was arrested.

In custody, Smith resisted efforts to move her to a cell by placing her foot on the bar of a gate.

She bit a constable’s arm and kicked him in the shin as other officers attempted to shift her.

Smith admitted assault on an emergency worker and being drunk and disorderly at Folkestone Magistrates’ Court in February, with sentencing adjourned pending pre-sentence reports.

But now she has been ordered to address her drinking problem and complete a three-month alcohol treatment requirement program.

During February’s hearing, District Judge William Nelson heard Smith had a short record of previous convictions, including one for assault on an emergency worker.

The judge requested the pre-sentencing report given her previous convictions and to establish what triggered her offending.

Staff had to call police to the Brewers Fayre’s pub, The Promenade in Margate, because of Bethamy Smith's drunken behaviour

Alan Balneaves, prosecuting, told the court: “The officer gave a victim impact statement which said there was no excuse for her reaction to being arrested.”

Smith was bailed to return to the same court and was sentenced over the matters on May 28.

The court heard Smith, of Buenos Ayres, Margate, had started to address her alcohol problem since the incident at the Station Road pub on December 22 last year.

Smith was handed a 12-month community order which involves her completing the three-month alcohol treatment requirement.

She was also ordered to attend 20 rehabilitation sessions with probation and pay the officer £150 compensation.

Smith will pay the court what she owes at a rate of £20 a month.