'Can I call you back?' Trump interrupts Steve Bannon's show with unexpected call

Real America's Voice/screen grab

Conservative podcaster and convicted criminal Steve Bannon received a call from presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, a convicted felon, while he was live on air.

During his Monday War Room broadcast, Bannon interrupted an interview with Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake (R) to take a call.

"Kari, hang on for one second, I got somebody — I've got a call I got to take," Bannon said before answering the phone.

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"Hey, Mr. President, I'm live on TV," Bannon told Trump. "OK, I'll call you back, sir. Thank you."

Lake noted that she would have "given up my segment" if Bannon would put Trump on the air.

She ended the interview with a warning to Democrats campaigning against her Senate bid.

"They're afraid of a middle-aged woman from Phoenix," she insisted. "And guess what, when I get there, I haven't even started my hot flashes yet. Wait until that kicks in. They should be afraid."

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"Call back President Trump," she added. "Tell him I said hi."

Bannon said he would have taken Trump's call, but Lake was "adamant" about having her air time.

"Don't get between Kari Lake and a microphone," he joked.

Watch the video below from Real America's Voice.