CNN Data Analyst Can't Believe Latest Trump-Biden Poll Numbers: 'I'm, Like, Speechless'

@DailyCaller / X screen shot

At least one member of the establishment media has come to a breathtaking realization: Namely, young, black Americans appear poised to save their country by voting for former President Donald Trump.

Monday on "CNN News Central" with co-host John Berman, CNN Senior Political Data Reporter Harry Enten repeatedly used dramatic-sounding language to describe his astonishment at what polling data revealed about the decisive advantage young, black voters could give Trump over President Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

"I've just never seen anything like this," an animated Enten said in a clip posted to the social media platform X. "I'm, like, speechless."

The segment began with Berman asking Enten about the state of the presidential race among black voters.

"Yeah, I keep looking for this to change, to go back to a historical norm. And it, simply put, has not yet," Enten replied.

The screen behind Enten then showed a comparison between polls among black voters in 2020 and 2024. At this point four years ago, black voters preferred Biden by a margin of 79 percentage points, 86-7. Today, Biden's overall lead among black voters has shrunk to 49 points at 70-21.

"It's not just that Joe Biden is losing ground," Enten said. "It's that Donald Trump is gaining ground."

As a result, Enten said, Trump looks to be "careening towards a historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades."

But Biden's diminishing overall support among black voters did not provide the segment's biggest headline. For that, Enten took a deeper dive into the numbers.

"This is where we get very interesting," the data reporter said.

Again, the screen behind Enten showed a comparison of 2020 and 2024 polling data among black Americans. This time, however, it showed a breakdown by age.

Among black Americans age 50 and older, Biden's lead over Trump at this point in 2020 stood at a whopping 83 points. Today, it stands at 74 points. That represents a loss, of course, but not a debilitating one -- and certainly not a historic one.

Among black Americans under 50, however, Biden's 80-point advantage from 2020 has shrunk to only 37 points.

The excitable Enten could barely find the words to describe those numbers.

"Holy cow, folks. Holy cow," he said.

Furthermore, those numbers could signal a sudden and dramatic shift that might change party politics for the foreseeable future.

"If this polling is anywhere near correct," Enten said, "we are looking at a historic moment right now where black voters under the age of 50, which have historically been such a big part of the Democratic coalition, are leaving it in droves."

Finally, Enten expressed even more astonishment at the impact of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In short, with Kennedy in the mix, Biden's support among black voters in the projected swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin plummeted to 49 percent.

"Look at what Joe Biden drops to," Enten said, his voice cracking from disbelief as he underlined the 49 percent figure.

Again, the CNN data reporter underscored the historic nature of those polling numbers.

"I never thought I would see something like this among black voters," Enten said.

‘I'm Like Speechless': CNN's Harry Enten Says Trump 'Careening Towards A Historic Performance' With Black Voters

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 17, 2024

Enten presents polling data the way some NFL television analysts describe a big play. In short, he appears to love numbers and gets excited about them, as he did recently when explaining to viewers that Trump had made massive gains among Hispanic voters, as well.

On the other hand, CNN's liberal audience undoubtedly recognized Enten's polling data as cause for excited consternation.

In fact, when Enten described young, black voters as "leaving" the Democratic coalition "in droves," one could almost hear the heads exploding at the White House, the Democratic National Committee and the rest of the establishment media.