Ex-MAGA aide urges Biden to 'communicate' to voters that 'the Trump message is bad'

Alyssa Farah Griffin, Image via screengrab.

During a conversation with CNN's Kaitlan Collins Monday, former Donald Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin offered President Joe Biden some pointers on how to beat the former president in November.

According to The Hill, Griffin — who's now a CNN political analyst and co-host of The View — told Mediate during an interview last week that she predicts "'rage and retribution' would be a governing principle for" her former boss if he secures the White House again.

"We saw House Speaker Mike Johnson go down to meet with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago today," Collins noted, "obviously something they've done before, Alyssa. But it also comes as he was trying to spearhead some attempted legislation that's not going to happen, frankly, but that would essentially allow Trump to move convictions or charges in a state to a federal court. It just shows how Trump also still has such influence on the Hill that they're putting up bogus legislation to make them feel better."

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Griffin replied, "So, the Trump message is bad, and there's a lot of things that can be run on to beat him. But it's also incumbent on Biden to communicate that."

The former Trump aide continued, "And what I mean is this: That is what the house speaker is spending his time doing — trying to do something extra constitutional to expunge the former president's record. They're trying to bring up an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, but have yet to identify what the crime is. There are so many things — they've blocked aid to Ukraine at his behest, despite the fact that most Republicans actually wanted aid to Ukraine."

"Biden's gotta get better at telling that story to the American public. That Trump's focus is not on helping you. It's not on the issues that you're focusing on. It is simply on settling scores. And I do think that debate matters, by the way. I think it's a huge moment for him to say, 'You're a convicted felon.' Try to get a rise out of Donald Trump, and try to actually tell the story of what his records been since he left office."

The former Republican staffer told Mediate that when she worked under Trump's administration, the MAGA leader "discussed 'executing' people at multiple White House meetings."

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Trump's team accused Griffin of lying.

Watch the video below or at this link.

Ex-MAGA aide: How Biden should 'communicate' to voters that 'the Trump message is bad' youtu.be

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