Portuguese journalist injured in altercation with football fans

Portugal's team with Cristiano Ronaldo (C) arrives at the stadium for a training session ahead of Thursday's UEFA Euro 2024 Group F soccer match against Czech Republic. Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

A Portuguese journalist was injured after an altercation with football fans in front of the Portugal national team hotel on Monday evening.

Nuno Pereira, a journalist for broadcasters SIC, was pushed against a pole by fans, as seen in excerpts from a live broadcast. It's unclear what caused the incident.

According to SIC, Pereira suffered a shoulder dislocation and was taken to hospital. An operation won't be necessary.

"According to what we know so far, several people were in front of the hotel as the Portuguese national team's player bus was about to depart for a final training session at the Leipzig stadium," the police told dpa.

"A physical altercation is said to have broken out behind a fence between several people, including Portuguese journalists. One of the two was taken to hospital. The others involved in the altercation are unknown," the police said.

SIC rejected "any insinuation" that the journalist had an aggressive behaviour. "What happened was exactly he opposite, with serious consequences for the person who did his job," it said.

Following the incident, the organizers and the Portuguese federation FPF decided "that in future journalists should be kept away from the fans and work within the area reserved for the players and the organization of the tournament," SIC said.

Portugal make their Euro 2024 debut later on Tuesday against the Czech Republic.

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